Kevin Talbot
Photography has been a lifelong hobby for me that started when I was about 13 years old. I grew up using fully manual film cameras and developing film and making black-and-white prints in a wet chemistry home darkroom. In my adult life, I later did my own color prints from slides and negatives at home. Trust me, today's "digital darkroom" is much easier to use!
I grew up in southern California and moved to Seattle in 1979 about a year after I graduated from college. My wife Bonnie and I met in Seattle in 1996 and got married in 2000. We moved to the island of Oahu in Hawaii in 2010 for a good job opportunity and lived there for about three and half years. While living in Hawaii, I started selling my prints at craft shows and local gift shops as a sideline to my "day job". I have to say living in Hawaii really rekindled my passion for photography and got me very interested in sunsets and sunrises. They are my favorite “subjects” to shoot: always challenging and different, sometimes a complete bust but sometimes very rewarding,
We moved back to Seattle in 2013 and really love living here again. We now live in Port Angeles, Washington (on the “Olympic Peninsula”). I was recently elected as the Vice President of the Olympic Peaks Camera Club of Sequim, WA for 2023-2024, and I am a member of the Photographic Society of America. I am a Nikon Professional Services member which allows me priority access to new Nikon gear, equipment loaners, and expedited repairs.