Lee Leddy
As a life long animal lover and self taught artist I find inspiration in nature.My years of being a licensed veterinary technician and wildlife rehabilitator have enabled me to work closely with many species of animals. My passion is marine mammals and I have been involved in working on whale watch boats, helping with research of cetaceans since 1980 on both the east and west coast. I have been a marine naturalist for years In NY, Maine and here in Port Angeles. I have spent volunteer time as part of the marine mammal stranding network in NY, Maine and now in conjunction with Feiro Marine Life Center.I enjoy trying out all mediums from acrylic,watercolor, woodburning and wire wrapping seaglass. I believe in reusing and repurposing as much as possible so some of my art will make use of recycled items. My walking sticks are made from local wood and invasive Scotch Broom plants while a lot of my woodburnings are made from salvaged old growth wood harvested years ago found on our property.