Marie Wetzel
Marie is an artist whose love of the Pacific Northwest is inspiration for her work. Wild salmon, birds, trees, and mountains are common images on her functional pottery for everyday use and on decorative Raku pottery.
A native to Western Washington, Marie lives on several acres in the wooded hills above Bowerman Basin along Grays Harbor. Her studio overlooks 300 hydrangeas. She and her husband Paul salmon fish nearby in the Pacific Ocean as well as in Alaska each summer. Her heritage includes both Croatian and Norwegian fishermen who came to the Northwest in the early 1900’s.
Bowerman Basin is a salt marsh estuary on the Chehalis River and home to the Grays Harbor Wildlife Refuge. Each year hundreds of thousands of migrating birds as well as native Peregrine falcons and red-tailed hawks stop at the basin on their flight between Argentina and the Arctic. Coyotes, otter, and deer are also prevalent in the basin and adjoining hills.