Randy Foster
randolf frederick co.
Randolf Frederick Co. started out in 1984 known as “Naturally Amazing”. At that time Randy was gold prospecting and making gold nugget jewelry. He has been rockhounding and prospecting ever since his “Grandpa Joe” corrupted him. Can’t believe that was over a half a century ago. Now it’s hard to walk across a street without picking up a rock and “Check this out”. Randy’s mediums have changed and of course his styles also. In the early 90s Randy worked for Diamond Gallery Jewelers in Port Angeles, WA. There Randy learned the technical retail side of diamond and gems under owner Larry Albertson. He is mostly self-taught which allows for no boundaries, just new experiences. There are only very few stones that Randy doesn’t facet or cut and polish on his own. Randolf Frederick’s motto is: “Jewelry that says, Hello”. It’s jewelry that will be cherished from one generation to the next.
The Randolf Frederick Co Studio is located in Port Angeles, WA. There is where you can find him creating new stuff and giving classes. Randy uses his basic materials sheet, wire, and tube, to produce his jewelry. Once in a while you will see a rare experimental piece with a cast part. Randy really enjoys using rare stones that he has found, especially stones that are from the Olympic Peninsula.